Monday, May 30


Halitosis is another name for bad breath, and it's a common disease suffered by a larger population of the world today. This disease has been in existence among individuals for ages and only few have been able to control it or totally get rid of it.
Halitosis could be as a result of poor dental health habits, or it can be a sign of another health problem that is about to come up or has ensued. It is usually worsened by unhealthy dental habits or by the kind of foods an individual eats (that is if the individual has already been affected).

Usually, the digestion of all foods we eat starts from the mouth. During this process of digestion, most foods enter our bloodstreams via absorption, and after the absorption, they move to our lungs; that is where their odors are included in our breaths. We may have been engaging ourselves in regular brushing and flossing, but the truth is that, they only mask the odors temporarily, and after sometimes their odors will come up again, especially foods with offensive and strong odors like onions and garlic. The odors tend to go out only when the foods have passed out of the body.

Irrespective of what you eat or drink, halitosis or bad breaths can also be caused by:
  • A dry mouth. The presence of saliva in your mouth is to act as a  natural cleanser; this means that whenever your mouth is dry, the dead cells can assemble up together, which usually causes morning bad breath. This tends to be a bigger problem if you are fond of sleeping with your mouth open. Smoking and in some cases - some medications also cause dry mouth. In more severe cases, having your mouth usually dry could be as a result of you having a problem with your salivary glands. When such occurs, make sure you visit your dentist.
  • Chronic diseases. Occasionally, underlying health circumstances such as cancers, diabetes, liver or kidney failure, lung infections, and gastroesophageal re-flux disease (GERD) can cause bad breath.
  • Respiratory, mouth, throat, and nose conditions. Halitosis is sometimes caused by these conditions. For example, if you have a respiratory infection such as bronchitis, whenever the sputum is coughed up, it can cause bad breath or halitosis. Taking adequate medication for any of the conditions is the best remedy to avoid halitosis taking place.
  • Tobacco products and smoking. Tobacco products tend to dry your mouth and result to bad breath. People who often use tobacco are at greater risk of developing oral cancers, poor general oral health, and gum disease.
  • Malnutrition. Maceration or Starvation can cause bad breath due to ketoacidosis. Ketoacidosis may appear to be a strange word, but it simply refers to a breakdown of chemicals that takes place during fasting or starvation.

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Bivens Dustin M is a young entrepreneur that enjoys creating web contents for businesses.